Stands in solidarity with Palestinian people continue in Irbid

Solidarity stands and marches with the Palestinian people continued in Irbid on Monday.In Irbid camp, a massive march kicked off after the Isha’ prayer, in which party, trade union, cultural, youth and feminist activists participated.The participants saluted the valor and steadfastness of the Palestinian people on their land, despite the war of genocide and ethnic cleansing they are being subjected to by the Israeli occupation forces.They highly appreciated His Majesty King Abdullah’s firm positions, he expressed during his meetings with leaders of European countries, which are a living expression of the solidarity and positions of the Jordanian people and their support for the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, their legitimate rights, the necessity of stopping the aggression against Gaza, and working to deliver medical and food aid to the residents of the Gaza Strip.They denounced the brutality of the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the targeting of civilians, women, the elderly and children, calli
ng on the international community to assume its humanitarian responsibilities towards the situation in Gaza.In the Turkmen neighborhood, a stand in solidarity was held after the Maghreb prayer in front of the Salah al-Din Mosque in support of the Palestinian people and the residents of Gaza.The participants saluted the steadfastness of the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli war machine, stressing that truth, belief and legitimate rights will not disappear in the face of the tyranny of the occupier.

Source: Jordan News Agency