EU expects constructive approach from Kosovo, Serbia at Saturday’s meeting


BRUSSELS, March 16 (KUNA) – European Union High Representative Union Josep Borrell Thursday said that he expects a constructive approach from Prime Minister Albin Kurti of Kosovo and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at Saturday’s meeting in Ohrid, North Macedonia.

“Certainly, I hope that, on Saturday both parties will come with a constructive approach, with the will to engage, to agree,” he told a press conference during a visit to Tirana, Albania today.

“I insist: not on the agreement itself, which has already been agreed, but on the implementation modalities and timelines. If this happens, then I think that the Western Balkans will celebrate a big step forward towards the European Union path for all the Western Balkans,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, Albania and the EU met for the 12th Stabilisation and Association Council on Thursday. The meeting took place for the first time in the region in Tirana, Albania.

The Council reviewed relations between the EU and Albania under the Stabilisation and Association Process, noted a joint EU-Albania press statement.

There was also an exchange of views on recent developments in the Western Balkans.

Given the new geopolitical reality following Russia’s war against Ukraine, the EU strongly underlined the importance of further deepening the cooperation on foreign and security policy issues with Albania, it said.

The EU also recalled the importance of the Energy Support Package of 1 billion euro (USD 1.6 billion) for the Western Balkans (500 million in grants and 500 million in soft loans and guarantees), of which EUR 80 million (USD 84 million) for Albania aims to protect the most vulnerable groups affected by the energy crises. (end) nk.ibi

Source: Kuwait News Agency (KUNA))