Explore the new platform for personal trainers in Dubai – a fun, fast and simple way to get fit

The User-Friendly Platform for Connecting Personal Trainers with Their Clients in Dubai DUBAI, UAE, Feb. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Losing weight, gaining muscle or simply getting healthier is easier using DubaiPT platform that helps clients find a perfect match for their training needs among numerous personal trainers in Dubai. Each certified trainer can create a profile, join, […]

The User-Friendly Platform for Connecting Personal Trainers with Their Clients in Dubai

DUBAI, UAE, Feb. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Losing weight, gaining muscle or simply getting healthier is easier using DubaiPT platform that helps clients find a perfect match for their training needs among numerous personal trainers in Dubai. Each certified trainer can create a profile, join, and start scheduling sessions right away. Aside from personal training sessions and meal plans, DubaiPT offers a diverse variety of fitness classes. The platform welcomes both fitness enthusiasts and fitness trainers in Dubai and worldwide to get in touch with DubaiPT and become a small part of a much healthier future!

A few easy steps to success

With its modern and accessible platform, the brand’s innovative approach has recently been recognized by hundreds of exercisers under the watchful guidance of 250+ personal trainers. Satisfied customers and committed trainers are the cornerstone of the platform, giving testimony to its positive impact. DubaiPT offers:

  • Personal training
  • Yoga
  • Zumba
  • Boxing
  • Football
  • Karate

Everybody can choose to attend a class or work out from the comfort of your own home. In times like these, it’s comforting to know that anyone can improve their overall health in a safe and easy manner.

Tailor-made meal plans

As the saying goes “Health and time are our most precious assets therefore we should use them wisely”, and many believe that health starts with a proper meal. To harvest the benefits of your workout routine, you need to follow it up with good nutrition. DubaiPT now offers monthly meal plans specialized for clients’ needs.

A healthy and customized diet can help clients maximize their results and complement all the work that they are putting in. But they have to be the ones to take the leap and dive into the world of fitness in Dubai.

About DubaiPT

DubaiPT is a comprehensive platform, designed to help people find skilled personal trainers in Dubai and to assist trainers in finding customers. Their offices are located in Armada Towers, Floor 19, Dubai, and you can reach them at this number: +971 55 655 4507.

If you are a personal trainer in Dubai, you can sign up here to become a member!

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