Fire Department carries out fire extinguishing exercise at the LAFS petroleum facilities at Larnaka Airport


The Fire Department carried out a fire extinguishing exercise at the LAFS petroleum facilities at Larnaka International Airport. The scenario provided for a leak in the supply pipeline of liquid fuels on a tanker truck, which could potentially lead to explosion and injuries. In statements, Fire Service spokesperson, Andreas Kettis, said that as part of its operational readiness, the Department “conducted an exercise today at the liquid fuel facilities of the LAFS company, which is responsible for supplying liquid fuels to aircraft’, “The company is of high danger classification due to the storage of liquid fuels with very low flash points,” he added. Kettis said “these specific exercises are very important and are currently being conducted intensively in high-risk graded facilities before the summer period’. “The goal is to test the readiness of the facility’s employees, the systems they possess, both for cooling and fire extinguishing of the installations, to test the specialized equipment available to the Fire Service for such incidents, the company’s action plans, both internal and external, and those of the Fire Service, and where there are deficiencies, to be supplemented,” he noted. The exercise, he added, was a success.

Source: Cyprus News Agency