Fouad: COP27 to be real chance for investment in humans


Environment Minister Yasmine Fouad stressed that Egypt seeks to get the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) – due to be held in Sharm el Sheikh – to be a genuine opportunity for investment in humans.


She noted that youths are at the heart of preparations for the conference.


Fouad made the remarks on Thursday 30/6/2022 during a virtual meeting with Emigration Minister Nabila Makram and a number of Egyptian students abroad – specialized in the field of renewable energy and green hydrogen – to review their potential participation in COP27.


She noted that COP27 will review research ideas to find innovative solutions, adding that the conference will tackle the problems of each sector and a roadmap for cutting carbon emissions using digital solutions.


The conference will also tackle decarbonization of the petroleum sector, she said.


She added that Sharm El Sheikh should go in line with the conference’s drive as it will be an example for green cities in accordance with directives of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi.


For her part, Emigration Minster Nabila Makram said today’s meeting is meant to highlight state efforts to gear up for the conference.


At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that youth participating in the meeting would send papers on their proposals on renewable energy and green hydrogen as well as any research that can be addressed at COP27.




Source: State Information Service Egypt