Kuwait’s Al-Najat Charity distributes Iftar meals to Syrian refugees in Lebanon


To celebrate the advent of the Holy Month of Ramadan and help Syrian refugees, Al-Najat Charity distributed Iftar meals to Syrian refugees in Arsal camps located at the border area in northeastern Lebanon.

Speaking to KUNA, Tarek Al-Essa, public relations official at Al-Najat Charity, said that a delegation from the charity joined the refugees in Arsal to welcome Ramadan and hold Tarawih prayers.

Within the framework of the “One Million Fasting Meals” campaign, which includes several countries including Lebanon, the delegation prepared a mobile kitchen to distribute breakfast meals, he mentioned.

In addition to distributing breakfast throughout the month, food baskets were distributed to the camps in the region, he pointed out.

Al-Essa, who was accompanied by the director of the Kaifan Zakat Committee at Al-Najat, confirmed the association’s keenness to support the refugees and help them, especially in this holy month that represents mercy, goodness and giving.

Source: Kuwait News Agency