President Abbas on International Women’s Day: Palestinian women play a pioneering role in the struggle


Marking International Women’s Day, President Mahmoud Abbas said today that the Palestinian woman has played and continues to play an unmatched pioneering role in the struggle and change for the better despite the challenges she has faced and is still facing, along with her male partner, and will remain a partner, and a fighter defending the identity of her people, their existence and their inalienable national rights.


He said in a speech on this occasion that the State of Palestine has taken a number of pioneering steps to enhance women’s participation in decision-making institutions, including her representation by at least 30% in all the institutions of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the state and local government bodies.


The President affirmed the continuation of work to promote the right of Palestinian women to participation and equality, pursuant to the Declaration of Independence, the Basic Law, and international obligations.


He reaffirmed his commitment to see Palestinian women obtain their full rights in all fields to enable them to have their opportunities fully and equally and to enhance their participation in all aspects, including education, health, law, economics, politics, participation in decision-making, and strengthening their leadership role in the judiciary, diplomacy, academia, the security services, and all state agencies, the civil society, and the private sector.


Source: Palestine News & Information Agency